Sunday, 29 May 2011

Paint the Town with Joy, (and other happinesses)

Making some little owls for a woodland-themed craft demo on Monday


A wonderful addition to my New York New York! postcard swap collection, beautifully made by Sue.

Click on the this Postman's Knock link to see the latest batch, including the Yee-Ha! Ride 'em Cowboy one that I made for Jo.   Can't seem to access the photo to post on here for you .....

We've all had a lot of problems with loading, logging in, commenting etc. on Blogger at the moment, so please excuse me if it seems I haven't visited you lately.   Not for want of trying on my part!

And a few random Spanish holiday snaps, just to brighten a dull day.   Wind and rain and cloudy skies here at the moment, but at least not the torrential hailstorm we had the other day when I had to give shelter to passers-by who were in danger of getting concussion!

Calella de Palafrugell
Aigua Blava
footprints in the sand
Hope this helped to brighten the day!



menopausalmusing said...

Great post Chrissie, but am LOVING that little self-portrait in your side bar. Is that new? It is just wonderful.....

Sue Brown said...

Pleased you like your postcard. Lovely images, the flowers are glorious. X

Pomona said...

Love the little owls - and I do like your new hair!

Pomona x

Joanna said...

I loved the postcard you made for me - your readers could always pop over here

if they want to see photos.....

Photos of Spain definitely brought some sunshine into a dull windy day, thank you.


Anonymous said...

It most certainly did - what gorgeous photos Chrissie. Wish I was there now - ah well. Good luck with the craft demo!!

JP said...

they are really cute - loved your beach collection

Jill said...

Love your beach combings, and the owls are cute.


Beautiful sea glass and I LOVE THE OWLS ... are they in your Etsy ... I'm just off to have a look!
