Sunday 6 December 2009

Makes-me-Glad Mosaic

1. Détail broderie, 2. Poudre de riz, 3. Old bowls , 4. Montre à Gousset Famille, 5. red and white tree (finished), 6. ..., 7. December bouquet~, 8. Christmas stocking, 9. antonia

I love Flickr.    The rain is lashing against the windows like a scene from Moby Dick, but I'm snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug with my new efficient central-heating system, a nice warm laptop and access to the most fantastic photographs from all over the world.   Hope you like them too.

Today seems like a good day to stay indoors and continue reinstating my workroom, now that the floorboards are back down.   I'm being completely and utterly ruthless about what is welcomed back from exile.  There's a limit to how many hairless paintbrushes I shall need for poking things, for example.  Four should be enough.   Don't you think?

Have a lovely day, whatever you're doing!


Anonymous said...

I'd rather be doing what you are doing than spending the afternoon on the computer trying to get my head around the final bits of my desktop publishing course! Enjoy your clearup - when can I peruse and purchase please?


What a beautiful mosaic. It is one I wished I'd made! Love all your choices! Have a lovely weekend Chrissie xx

Pomona said...

You never know when a hairless paintbrush might come in handy!

Pomona x

Ange said...

I'm with Pomona ;-) I must get into Flickr but then - will I ever leave my computer to create???

menopausalmusing said...

I love the cross stitch basket with the buttons and the conical Christmas tree. I daren't start visiting Flikr or I should get nothing done........

Sue said...

I must agree with everyone else - this is a lovely mosaic. Flickr is a great way to pass the time, isn't it?

Thanks for your comments on my blog :-)